What is Kalonji (Black Seeds) ?

Kalonji (Black Seeds) is a traditional herb that has been in use for thousands of years by people living in the Middle East and some parts of Asia and Africa to promote health and general well-being. It is also known the “Blessed Seed”.

What are the essential properties of Kalonji (Black Seeds) ?

Kalonji (Black Seeds) herb contains over 100 components, many of which still remain to be discovered. It is a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids and contains about 35% oil, 21% protein, and 38% carbohydrates. More than 50% of the oil are essential fatty acids. It’s linoleic acid and gamma linolenic acid content help form Prostaglandin E1, which helps the body to inhibit infections, balances the immune system, and regulates allergic reactions. Gamma-linolenic acid also helps stabilize the cell membrane. Kalonji (Black Seeds) also contains about .5-1.5% volatile oils including Nigellone and Thymoquinone which have been researched for anti-histamine, anti-oxidant, anti-infective, and broncho-dialating effects.

What are some of the traditional uses of Kalonji (Black Seeds) ?

Traditionally, Kalonji (Black Seeds) has been used for a variety of conditions and treatments related to respiratory health, stomach and intestinal complaints, kidney & liver support, circulatory and immune system support, and to improve general health. Kalonji (Black Seeds) oil has been used topically for different skin conditions, dryness, joint and scalp massage.

What scientific research has there been on Kalonji (Black Seeds) ?

Since 1959, there have been over 200 studies at international universities and articles published in various journals showing remarkable results supporting some of its traditional uses. In 1960, Egyptian researchers isolated that Nigellone, which is only found in Kalonji (Black Seeds) and responsible for its broncho-dialating effect. Recently scientists in Europe studied the anti-bacterial and anti-mycotic effects of Kalonji (Black Seeds) oil. Scientists at the Cancer and Immuno-Biological Laboratory reported in a study that Kalonji (Black Seeds) may stimulate bone marrow and immune cells and may raise the interferon production, protect normal cells against cell destroying effects of viruses, and raise the number of anti-bodies producing B cells.

What about the effects of Kalonji (Black Seeds) and Prostaglandin E1 on the Immune System?

Through the formation of Protaglandin E1, the complete immune system is harmonized and the body’s over-reactive allergic reactions are stabilized. By also inhibiting infection, the immune system is able to prevent and control chronic illnesses. Healthy cells are protected from the damaging effects of viruses, inhibiting tumors. As a result Interferon cell protein is formed, inhibiting growth of damaging micro-organisms. Recently independent clinical studies in the Archives of Aids described the possible effects of Kalonji (Black Seeds) on the defense system by improving the ratio between helper T-cells and suppressor T-cells by a significant amount while also enhancing the natural killer cell activity.

What are some of the other Effects of Kalonji (Black Seeds) ?

Kalonji (Black Seeds) may support metabolism and improve digestion. There have been studies published that show Kalonji (Black Seeds) may have a lowering effect on blood sugar levels and may useful in the treatment of diabetes melitus.

What are the overall benefits of Kalonji (Black Seeds) ?

Kalonji (Black Seeds) is a multi-faceted herb with many benefits, especially when it comes to maintaining a strong and healthy immune system. It is also very useful for respiratory complaints and seasonal allergies, weakened or over-stimulated Immune system, kidney or liver problems, digestive and stomach complaints, and joint and circulation related issues. Kalonji (Black Seeds) is a safe herb that can be used by anyone. It has no known side effects and has a long history of use for several thousand years.

What is more effective, Kalonji (Black Seeds) herb or oil?

Both are equally effective, but Kalonji (Black Seeds) oil is more concentrated and contains greater amounts of essential fatty acids. Caution should be taken when using low quality Kalonji (Black Seeds) oil because many oil products are be adulterated or mixed with carrier oils. Some oils coming from the India are extracted with heat and hexane, a petroleum by-product. Always use a product that is labeled as 100%, cold-pressed, solvent free, and packed and sealed by machine.

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